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  • ARM add-on

    from HDClone X.5 Advanced

    Use HDClone Advanced on systems with ARM CPU, either with Windows-on-ARM or with the bootable version (HDClone/S) for ARM Snapdragon® systems.

  • ARM add-on

    from HDClone X.5 Professional

    Use HDClone Professional on systems with ARM CPU, either with Windows-on-ARM or with the bootable version (HDClone/S) for ARM Snapdragon® systems.

  • ARM add-on

    from HDClone X.5 Professional Portable

    Use HDClone Professional Portable on systems with ARM CPU, either with Windows-on-ARM or with the bootable version (HDClone/S) for ARM Snapdragon® systems.

  • ARM add-on

    from HDClone X.5 Enterprise 4x

    Use HDClone Enterprise 4x on systems with ARM CPU, either with Windows-on-ARM or with the bootable version (HDClone/S) for ARM Snapdragon® systems.

  • ARM add-on

    from HDClone X.5 Enterprise 8x

    Use HDClone Enterprise 8x on systems with ARM CPU, either with Windows-on-ARM or with the bootable version (HDClone/S) for ARM Snapdragon® systems.

  • ARM add-on

    from HDClone X.5 Enterprise 16x

    Use HDClone Enterprise 16x or higher on systems with ARM CPU, either with Windows-on-ARM or with the bootable version (HDClone/S) for ARM Snapdragon® systems.
